17. Only the following persons may travel in the restricted access hunting sectors of the wildlife sanctuaries during the restricted access hunting periods for moose and white-tailed deer determined in Schedule VI to the Regulation respecting hunting (chapter C-61.1, r. 12):(1) a holder of a right of access pass in a restricted access hunting sector for the sector and date indicated on the pass;
(2) a professional trapping licence holder who is the lessee of exclusive trapping rights in the wildlife sanctuary, as well as professional trapping licence holders or a person referred to in sections 5 to 7 of the Regulation respecting trapping activities and the fur trade (chapter C-61.1, r. 3) authorized by the lessee to trap, to travel to their trapping grounds and to engage in a trapping-related activity;
(3) a person who carries out work in the performance of his duties;
(4) a person who takes part in an activity organized under a contract entered into in accordance with the second paragraph of section 118 of the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife (chapter C-61.1), in the territory of the wildlife sanctuary; and
(5) a person who has to cross the territory of the wildlife sanctuary to access another territory or private property and to return from that territory or property.